Our Mission

We are reshaping how you navigate opportunities in AI by surfacing company stories, vision, and values.

Your time is precious. We have all worked on (or at least had experience with) exceptional teams, medicore teams, and poor teams. Often, we are working with incomplete information after rounds of interviews. And our happiness, career, and future hinges on one decision. There are massive opportunity costs to choosing one team over another: a massive upside in one case vs. feeling unproductive and learning wrong practices in another.

In investigating companies applying AI/ML to join, we had a hard time understanding the immediate implications of the work and how it can impact our everyday lives. Similarly, our friends and collegues told us about the how irritating it was pouring their hearts out to companies, only to get ghosted, yet never understand why.

The lack of transparency in the recruiting process is exacerbated by the failure of companies to articulate or present their vision, values, and humanity. Interviewers usually only reserve 5-10 minutes towards the end to answer questions. Talent could use this time to ask relevant and deeply personal questions, instead of "where do you see this in x years" and "what's the culture like here?", which can definitely be answered beforehand.

Marct AI is where AI/ML teams applying bleeding-edge research into frontier industries tell us their vision on how it will change the world.

Because we are taking a leap of faith, we have the right to know where the rocketship is headed—and if it is even launching into a kind of paradise. We deserve to know the team's unique values, beliefs, and motivations for the future they want to create.

Gone are the days where you batch apply to hundreds of companies because they are simply household names. Now join adventurers whose vision + values you align with to create and shape new universes.

If Marct AI helps you make decisions with 1% higher fidelity or more informed, then mission accomplished.