We solve 2 main challenges in the greenhouse AI market. Most model development relies on a slow, manual feedback loop, which consists of physically speaking to the grower and manually entering data. TensoAI's infrastructure runs on-demand and live AI models at the greenhouse. Results are shared among local greenhouse systems, giving modellers a Data-Driven Feedback loop ensuring models are run at the highest accuracy. Accessing private datasets in greenhouses is a long and challenging process. It involves legal services, contracts, servers, compute power, and time to migrate private data for AI training and development. Using privacy-preserving AI modelling, models are sent to the data at a large scale and train on multiple private datasets ensuring universal development. Access to this data is available through TensoAI's marketplace. We are hiring. Please contact ramen@tensoai.com with interest!

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Vision (what the world will look like, how will this impact everyday life):

Tenso is building the marketplace connecting ML engineers, greenhouses, and companies in agriculture. Our platform will deploy and share models with privacy-preserving techniques, and be a place where engineers can observe the direct impact of their work—whether that is controlling pesticides or increasing yield—in addition to earning an income for the value they bring. And to build the next generation of a ML marketplace, we are first building the data infrastructure to support it.

Why Join Now?

Agtech companies developing models often cannot access high-quality data for training, while ensuring privacy and security in the process. As a result, creating and deploying a model in a company is extremely costly in time and resources.

Tenso AI offers scalable and secure model-development: we are tackling the issues surrounding privacy, head-on, with a multitude of privacy-preserving techniques and end-to-end secure connection networks. Our technology eliminates the need for data migration, regulation, storage, excessive compute power usage and facilitates customer acquisition. Our systems are compliant with GDPR, PIPEDA, CCPA and HIPAA regulations.

Top Values:

Mentorship + committed to personal growth

We strive to build an environment that promotes internal entrepreneurship and scrappiness, especially when collaborating with our partners in finding how to fit our solution to deliver value. Our network of experts and advisors are also responsive and eager to help everyone on our team improve their skill set.

At Tenso, we enable our teammates to reflect, define, and vocalize the areas they want to improve in, so we can together help him/her plan the best way to do so. We would like our team to develop life-long experiences and skills for this job and their next opportunity. For example, engineers that start off in a general software role can move into AI if they are interested in learning more; functions tend to shift as we expand our team, in order to bring the highest value. Ultimately, we want to find future teammates that grow with Tenso and have Tenso support them in their journey.

Internship program

We actually prefer to hire someone junior, and have them promoted to a senior position; we envision the internship program serving this purpose. Our team is committed to building the right and sustainable infrastructure for such a program.

Most recently, our newest PhD intern is mentored by our AI advisor and getting introduced to one of our oldest and most-researched models. In the future, we hope that he embraces the model, takes up the task of maintaining it, making it his own and adding a layer of creativity.

Fosters psychological safety and mental health

We do not require anyone to work stringent hours or be at their desk from 9-5. We want to foster a flexible environment to give everyone control of their schedule and mental health. Since each individual on the team has different stresses and responsibilities, everyone should be attentive to their own unique mental health, as well as improve their physical health.

Everyone can get depressed or tired, in that situation taking a long-time to do even a simple task. By being honest and open in communication, our team helps take over each others' tasks as necessary, and lean on each other during tough times. Individuals know they can bring concerns to the entire team and can trust us with how they feel.

We are committed to provide support for individuals to improve mental health, in whatever manner that may be. In the current remote setting, we rely on open communication and honesty to understand the needs of individuals, then find where we can best support them.

Federated Learning. Credits: Nvidia

Customer first

For our first few startups/customers, we have stuck by them in day-to-day operations, to understand their demands on the issues they already face. Even if we decide to pivot or expand into different customer segments after several years, we are present and always listen closely to the wants and needs of those we are serving now. Our team does not shy away from hand-holding, favours keeping a close-eye on operations, and having an uncomfortable amount of touch points in order to drive towards the optimal experience and result.

An example is one of our partners, PlantOS, who desires more information on what we will create with them specifically. As such, TensoAI now has 2 short yet focused meetings a week with PlantOS to discuss, ideate, create roadmaps and timelines for execution. Communication is key in understanding the needs of customers.

We are strong believers in the executive team doing sales, experimenting, and developing the best playbook/practices that can be applied as we scale. Sales require many wheels to turn and are quite involved. We plan on starting with a fast and lean onboarding, continually building a deep understanding of the market, making many trial and error, as we train and build our team.


Tenso is an international team—our members are based in different time-zones and countries including Canada, India, and Japan. Currently, we are operating under the remote setting, but can see the benefits of having localized subteam based in each hub as we re-open. We are receptive to different ideas and options.  

The key to success in this area is to keep striving for something better.  We will never attain the best working environment, but by communicating and trying new conditions, we are able to find an environment that works for all of us.

Work-life balance

At Tenso, we acknowledge the diversity in our team and individuals have distinct ways of enjoying life. We have set up certain times in the week to bond as a team, but also leave ample free-time to do so with your family and loved-ones. Often, we don't hear about the lives of our colleagues outside of remote work, so at the start of each meeting, we always like to build in time to chat about what each individual is up to.

TensoAI will create the environment to promote best work-life balance. Since most individuals are different, we strive to understand how we like to enjoy life, and support our members in doing so. Tenso would like to invest in gym memberships and social/scheduled activities when the pandemic ends.

Interview Process at Tenso AI for Engineering:

  1. Casual conversation to see if you have a high-level understanding of the company and are interested in the problem domain. We will review your information on previous publications, projects, and other items outlined on the resume.
  2. Verbal technical interview where we ask you concepts in privacy-preserving machine learning, federated learning, as well as what you want to learn in the experience.
  3. Final coding challenge to understand your technical capabilities and productivity. In addition, we would like to show you our latest hardware and models to hear what you think.